Cinema and the City

A cidade-frankenstein: cinema, fragmento e sentimento

Cultural Geography / Visual Studies / Cinema and the City / Cinema and Architecture / Cinematic Geography / Geografia Cultural

Espectros de la movida: año 2014

Urban Studies / Cinema and the City / Pedro Almodóvar / Franquismo / Madrid / Historia Contemporánea de España / Historia de Madrid / Cine Y Ciudad / Art and the City / La Movida / Historia Contemporánea de España / Historia de Madrid / Cine Y Ciudad / Art and the City / La Movida

Os sons das cidades extraordinárias de \"Castro\" (Alejo Moguillansky, 2009) e \"Luz nas trevas – a volta do Bandido da Luz Vermelha\" (Helena Ignez e Ícaro Martins, 2010)

Film Music And Sound / Brazilian Cinema / Cinema and the City / Argentinean cinema / Castro - Alejo Moguillansky / Luz nas trevas - Helena Ignez e Ícaro Martins

\"La sangre brota\" (2008), de Pablo Fendrik: a cidade e seus relatos selvagens

Violence in Cinema / Dystopian Fiction / Cinema and the City / Argentinean cinema

Um salve por São Paulo: narrativas da cidade e da violência em três obras recentes.

Cinema and the City / CIDADE / Urban Violence / Media and Cultural Studies / Cultural Theory / Imaginary of Political Violence / Film, Propaganda and Violence / Cuban Culture / Violencia en el cine / Primeiro Comando da Capital / Crimes De Maio / Primeiro Comando da Capital / Crimes De Maio

Um Conto de Duas Cidades

Cinema and the City

Lírica e Máquina, Cidade e Mito: mutações da cena urbana entre João do Rio e Oswald de Andrade

Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism) / Modernism / Cinema / Cinema and the City / Brazilian Literature / Oswald de Andrade / Modern Brazil / João do Rio / Oswald de Andrade / Modern Brazil / João do Rio

Geografia pop: o cinema e o outro

Geography / Cultural Geography / Media Studies / Media and Cultural Studies / Postcolonial Studies / Cinematic Space / Spanish Cinema / Post-Colonialism / Decolonialization / Cinema / Cinema and the City / Cinema and Architecture / Decolonial Thought / Cinema Studies / Media Geography / Geografía Humana / Geografia Humana / Literatura Comparada / Paisagem / Estudos Culturais / Coparative Literature / Geografia Cultural / Pensamiento decolonial / Modernity/coloniality/decoloniality / Decoloniality Thought / Cinematic Space / Spanish Cinema / Post-Colonialism / Decolonialization / Cinema / Cinema and the City / Cinema and Architecture / Decolonial Thought / Cinema Studies / Media Geography / Geografía Humana / Geografia Humana / Literatura Comparada / Paisagem / Estudos Culturais / Coparative Literature / Geografia Cultural / Pensamiento decolonial / Modernity/coloniality/decoloniality / Decoloniality Thought

A postcolonial iconi-city: Re-reading Uttam Kumar\'s cinema as metropolar melodrama

Postcolonial Studies / Bengali Cinema / Cinema and the City / Star Studies / History Of Calcutta
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